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Do you ever wonder how some music transcends generations?

It’s through the depth, quality, and visceral connection made through the music and the lyrics combined, that allows the listener to peel back the layers and individually experience the song differently every time. 

Tritone Music is a boutique production and mixing studio with a lifelong passion for creating quality music. Whether it’s a single, EP, or an entire album we collaborate closely with artists in a hands-on process that prioritizes their vision and creativity. From audio and background tuning, incorporating various instrumentation, and sweetening, we will manipulate the sounds to bring energy to the recording and arrange the musical elements in a way that gives it purpose and moves it forward. Simply put, we take your vision and mix in the creative elements it needs to be a remarkable track that’s radio-ready!



We’re a Calgary-based music production studio designed with state-of-the-art gear and technology that inspires us to create the highest quality of music in the post-production process.

Our approach is simple. With your artistic integrity at the helm, we have the ability to professional present your work to give it the depth, space, and clarity to allow you tracks to be and generate impactful and inspiring. Together we can bring your idea to life as we connect the notes and tell your story through your song or album.


Composing across genres, we work with organic sounds and real instruments to sweeten your track and take it from good to phenomenal. The space offers in-studio access to bass, guitars, a grand piano, accordion, saxophone, and mandolins, along with further instrumentation incorporation through our talented connections across online platforms.




Created at our studio




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A Timeless Journey



The Thirsty Traveler

The Food Network




Music tells a story, sparks conversation, and disrupts conventional ideas. It’s expressive, experiential, and immersive for both the composer and individual on the receiving end of the melodies flowing through their air pods. Strategically engineered music, combined with impactful lyrics is an elevated union that tells a story and represents a moment in time. It’s music with soul.

We aim to create an experience that’s meaningful and inspiring, as we enhance your vision and bring your track(s) to life. It’s our job to piece together all the individual musical elements through an organic post-production process that’s tailored to the artistic needs of every client we work with. Working with musicians closely, we collaborate on the track, and provide a final product that will make you feel something deeper than you ever imagined. Your songs are an expression of who you are and the story you want to tell, we give you the tools to seamlessly communicate that through high-quality sound! 




Doug is the founder of Tritone and a passionate musician with decades of experience in the music industry. At 16 he began playing piano and eventually moved on to include the bass and guitar.   Once he graduated, he and his band hit the road touring throughout Canada, playing in clubs and opening up for various artists and local celebrities (a quintessential dive to the music industry). Once the band had run its course, he attended Grant McEwan University completing the Jazz Music Program and later receiving a degree in English from the University of Albert.

After taking a small break from music, he got started producing on a few tracks in various recording studios around Calgary. He fell in love with studio life and preceded to write full scores for orchestral tracks, radio segments, and TV shows, most notably Bugs and Blooms (HGTV) and the Thirsty Traveler.

Armed with significant studio experience, along with an obvious passion for writing, mixing, and producing Doug began to create his own tracks. In doing so he realized he had an appetite for all types of music and wanted to find a way to work with other artists and musical creatives by mixing their tracks and bringing their songs to life. With that Tritone Music Production was born.


We can’t wait to
work with you.


Interested in learning more about our studio?
Looking to book your next session?